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This a sample of 176 unique words identified for a level of Bloom's by 4 or more lists in a sample of 30 published lists (f =number of lists that nominate the word for a level of Bloom).
The chart was published by Stanny, C. J. (2016). Reevaluating Bloom's Taxonomy: What Measurable Verbs Can and Cannont Say about Student Learning. Education Sciences, 6 (4), 37; doi:10.3390/educsci6040037
This article is an open access article under Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.
**Memorize and Recognize are not measurable verbs.
Highly ranked words ranged from 17 - 30
Knowledge (Remember) |
ƒ |
Understand |
ƒ |
Apply |
ƒ |
Analyze |
ƒ |
Evaluate |
ƒ |
Create |
ƒ |
arrange |
6 |
articulate |
4 |
act |
19 |
analyze |
24 |
appraise |
22 |
arrange |
22 |
choose |
4 |
associate |
4 |
adapt |
4 |
appraise |
11 |
argue |
12 |
assemble |
14 |
cite |
17 |
characterize |
4 |
apply |
22 |
break |
8 |
arrange |
5 |
categorize |
7 |
copy |
4 |
cite |
4 |
back/back up |
5 |
break down |
7 |
assess |
17 |
choose |
7 |
define |
21 |
clarify |
5 |
calculate |
10 |
Calculate |
9 |
attach |
4 |
collect |
9 |
describe |
14 |
classify |
18 |
change |
9 |
categorize |
19 |
choose |
10 |
combine |
14 |
draw |
5 |
compare |
11 |
choose |
11 |
classify |
10 |
compare |
18 |
compile |
7 |
duplicate |
7 |
contrast |
7 |
classify |
6 |
compare |
24 |
conclude |
13 |
compose |
7 |
identify |
20 |
convert |
13 |
complete |
5 |
conclude |
6 |
contrast |
8 |
construct |
29 |
indicate |
4 |
defend |
12 |
compute |
10 |
contrast |
19 |
core |
6 |
create |
19 |
label |
21 |
demonstrate |
6 |
construct |
13 |
correlate |
5 |
counsel |
4 |
design |
24 |
list |
27 |
describe |
22 |
demonstrate |
20 |
criticize |
11 |
create |
4 |
develop |
18 |
locate |
10 |
differentiate |
8 |
develop |
4 |
debate |
8 |
criticize |
11 |
devise |
13 |
match |
14 |
discuss |
21 |
discover |
8 |
deduce |
6 |
critique |
14 |
estimate |
5 |
memorize |
10 |
distinguish |
12 |
dramatize |
16 |
detect |
7 |
decide |
4 |
evaluate |
4 |
name |
22 |
estimate |
11 |
employ |
16 |
diagnose |
4 |
defend |
15 |
explain |
8 |
order |
5 |
explain |
28 |
experiment |
6 |
diagram |
12 |
describe |
4 |
facilitate |
4 |
outline |
11 |
express |
17 |
explain |
5 |
differentiate |
20 |
design |
4 |
formulate |
18 |
quote |
7 |
extend |
11 |
generalize |
5 |
discover |
4 |
determine |
6 |
generalize |
7 |
read |
4 |
extrapolate |
5 |
identify |
4 |
discriminate |
11 |
discriminate |
9 |
generate |
7 |
recall |
24 |
generalize |
11 |
illustrate |
18 |
dissect |
6 |
estimate |
15 |
hypothesize |
8 |
recite |
12 |
give |
4 |
implement |
4 |
distinguish |
21 |
evaluate |
16 |
improve |
5 |
recognize |
14 |
give examples |
8 |
interpret |
15 |
divide |
12 |
explain |
9 |
integrate |
4 |
record |
13 |
identify |
14 |
interview |
6 |
evaluate |
4 |
grade |
4 |
invent |
10 |
relate |
11 |
illustrate |
9 |
manipulate |
10 |
examine |
18 |
invent |
8 |
make |
6 |
repeat |
20 |
indicate |
8 |
modify |
12 |
experiment |
9 |
judge |
25 |
manage |
8 |
reproduce |
11 |
infer |
15 |
operate |
17 |
figure |
4 |
manage |
15 |
modify |
10 |
review |
4 |
interpolate |
5 |
organize |
4 |
group |
4 |
mediate |
9 |
organize |
21 |
select |
16 |
interpret |
17 |
paint |
4 |
identify |
7 |
prepare |
12 |
originate |
9 |
state |
23 |
locate |
10 |
practice |
15 |
illustrate |
8 |
probe |
4 |
plan |
21 |
tabulate |
4 |
match |
7 |
predict |
15 |
infer |
14 |
rate |
5 |
predict |
8 |
tell |
4 |
observe |
5 |
prepare |
11 |
inspect |
8 |
rearrange |
19 |
prepare |
12 |
underline |
7 |
organize |
5 |
produce |
13 |
inventory |
9 |
reconcile |
12 |
produce |
13 |
write |
5 |
paraphrase |
22 |
relate |
12 |
investigate |
7 |
release |
6 |
propose |
9 |
predict |
12 |
schedule |
11 |
order |
5 |
rewrite |
4 |
rate |
21 |
recognize |
11 |
select |
4 |
organize |
6 |
select |
5 |
rearrange |
8 |
relate |
7 |
show |
13 |
outline |
10 |
set up |
15 |
reconstruct |
9 |
report |
10 |
simulate |
5 |
point out |
12 |
supervise |
9 |
relate |
8 |
represent |
4 |
sketch |
17 |
predict |
4 |
synthesize |
16 |
reorganize |
9 |
restate |
15 |
solve |
19 |
prioritize |
4 |
test |
8 |
revise |
12 |
review |
15 |
translate |
5 |
question |
12 |
value |
7 |
rewrite |
7 |
rewrite |
12 |
use |
25 |
relate |
17 |
verify |
9 |
role-play |
4 |
select |
7 |
utilize |
4 |
select |
12 |
weigh |
5 |
set up |
9 |
summarize |
20 |
write |
5 |
separate |
10 |
specify |
5 |
tell |
7 |
solve |
8 |
summarize |
7 |
translate |
21 |
subdivide |
10 |
synthesize |
4 |
survey |
7 |
tell/tell why |
5 |
test |
4 |
write |
17 |
Bloom's Digital Taxonomy & the Communication Spectrum (c) Andrew Church CC BY SA
Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and the Communication Spectrum. In Human History, we have seen many different ages, the dark ages, the middle ages, and more recently the space and information ages. We live in a time that might best be described as the communication ages. We are always connected, always available and constantly communicating and collaborating across a spectrum of activities with increasing levels of complexity and creativity.
The six levels of the Bloom's Revised Taxonomy consists of Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create. Digital Communication resides in the following six levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.
Creating | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank |
Evaluating | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | reviewing | replying |
Analyzing | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | commenting | reviewing | replying |
Applying | blank | blank | Chatting | Microblogging/tweeting | emailing | contributing | commenting | reviewing | replying |
Understanding | Texting | Instant Messaging | Chatting | Microbloggin/tweeting | emailing | contributing | commenting | blank | blank |
Remembering | Texting | Instant Messaging | Chatting | Microblogging/tweeting | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank |
Creating | blank | debating | posting/blogging | presenting | performing | negotiating | collaborating |
Evaluating | moderating | debating | posting/blogging | presenting | performing | negotiating | collaborating |
Analyzing | moderating | debating | posting/blogging | presenting | performing | negotiating | collaborating |
Applying | blank | blank | posting/blogging | presenting | performing | blank | blank |
Understanding | blank | blank | posting/blogging | blank | blank | blank | blank |
Remembering | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank |
Keep a Watchful Eye out for Verbs that are Not Measurable!!
Verbs | Verbs |
Appreciate | Believe |
Listen | Realize |
Recognize | Comprehend |
Know | See |
Memorize | Think |
Experience | Perceive |
Understand | Feel |
Explore | Familiarize |
Learn | Hear |
Watchful Eye on His Sheep Grazing Healthy Grasslands South Central South Dakota (c) Seth School, White River, SD CC BY SA 2.0 (opens in a new window) No changes were made to the image.
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