Huskins Library and Mooresville Campus Library hours and staff contact information is listed below. Access online library services through the library homepage 24 hours a day from any device. Contact library staff at for assistance.
Statesville Campus
Huskins Library
2024-2025 Winter Hours (effective 12/17/2024-1/10/2025)
Mon. - Thurs. 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Fri. 7:30 am - 1:00 pm
Huskins Library will be closed December 23-January 1.
Library hours are subject to change between semesters and for holidays and college closures.
Library Circulation Desk
(704) 878-3271
Beverly Rufty, Director of Library and Instructional Support Services
(704) 878-3249
Sharon Copeland, Librarian
(704) 978-5423
Barb Thorson, Part-time Librarian
(704) 978-3107
Cindy Baker, Library Services Technician
(704) 978-1331
Devana Woodburn, Part-time Library Services Technician
(704) 878-3271
Mooresville Campus
George W. Brawley, Jr. Building, Room 222
2024-2025 Winter Hours (effective 12/17/2024-01/10/25)
Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Fri. - 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Mooresville Campus Library will be closed December 23-January 1.
Library hours are subject to change between semesters and for holidays and college closures.
Library Circulation Desk
(704) 978-3115
Devin Ortiz-Hoffman, Part-time Librarian
(704) 978-1356
Megan Sherrill, Part-time Library Services Technician
(704) 978-3115
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