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California State University, Dominguez Hills (2019)
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition), the authority on APA Style, is a great place to find citation guidelines. Both Huskins and the Mooresville Campus Library locations have copies available on reserve (for library use only) and for checkout.
Available at both Statesville and Mooresville Campus Library locations, the Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises is a great tool for students looking to sharpen their citation skills. Both Huskins and the Mooresville Campus Library locations have copies available on reserve (for library use only) and for checkout.
Get the help you need with any writing project for any class. Whether you need help getting started, clearing a hurdle in the middle or concluding the process, the Tutoring Center can assist you.
For more information, please visit the Tutoring Services Research Guide.
Statesville Campus
Huskins Library, First Floor (basement)
Mooresville Campus Library
George W. Brawley Building, Room 222
Teresa Jordan, Administrative Specialist
(704) 978-3116
No APA Publication Manual or Little Seagull Handbook available? No problem!
For fast and free access to reliable citation guidelines, check out these trusted online resources.
In ProQuest Central:
1. Open the link to an article, and then click "Cite" on the right side of the page.
2. Select your preferred format from the drop-down menu and click "Change," then copy and paste the text shown into your Works Cited or References page.
NOTE: Citations created by citation generators are only as good as the information they are provided and can sometimes contain mistakes. For example, this citation failed to capitalize several words, and the spacing needs to be adjusted. Always double-check your citations using a reliable guide. Consult a manual on reserve at the Library circulation desk, or contact a librarian for assistance.
To create a hanging indent in Microsoft Word:
1. Open your document to your References or Works Cited Page. Use your mouse to highlight your list of sources.
2. Click on the drop-down arrow below the Paragraph menu.
3. In the Paragraph box, under Special, use the drop-down menu to select Hanging, then click OK. You can also select Double under the Line spacing drop-down menu at this time, if you have not already double-spaced your source list.
4. Your sources should now all have a hanging indent!
To access free APA templates in Microsoft Word:
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