The Keyword field can be used to search for any word you would expect to be found in the database you are searching. This can include things such as an occupation or a location. You are able to only search for keywords. Keep in mind that if you enter more than one term you will need to use quotation marks to ensure an exact phrase search, such as “The Great War.” If you choose to combine a name with a keyword and the database finds a match for the name, but not the keyword, it will not provide the results for you.
The Keyword field can be found on the following search pages: U.S. Federal Census, Books Collection, Revolutionary War era records, Freedman's Bank Records.
Exact matching options are seen on the Census, Books, Revolutionary War, and Freedman's Bank collection search pages. As you type information into a search field you will see a checkbox and the word Exact display below the field. Tick the box or click Exact to see more matching options.
Each search field has different matching criteria:
The above name fields are also seen in the Add Family Member sections of many search pages.
NOTE: Click the "About these settings" link in any Exact match menu to read more about the available options for that field.
* |
The asterisk is a wildcard that matches zero or more characters. For example, a search on 'Sam*' will bring back results that include 'Sam', 'Samantha', 'Samuel', etc. You can also search alternate spellings with the asterisk (*), which represents 0 to 5 unknown characters. The query Johann* will search for Johann and Johannes. A query for Smel*er will search for Smeltzer and Smelzer, among others. Note: You cannot use an asterisk as the first, second, or third character of a search term. |
The question mark acts as a single-character wildcard. For example, a search on 'Eli?abeth' will bring back results that include 'Elisabeth' or 'Elizabeth'. Note: You cannot use a question mark as the first character of a search term.
NOTE: Using these symbols in combination is also an acceptable pratice. For example, a search for Eli?a* will return hits for Eliza, Elisa, Elizabet, Elisabet, Elizabeth, and Elisabeth, as well as Elijah, Elimar, etc. |
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